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Africa is astonishingly vast and vastly astonishing. See what we mean.
Which region suits you better? That all depends.
Understand what the seventh largest country in the world has to offer
India is our ancestral home. Making it feel like your home is the Micato Way.
We’ve been planning safaris for 60 years. Here’s what that looks like.
Peruse our treasure trove of captivating, joyful videos
Understand what the seventh largest country in the world has to offer.
Just how majestic are these creatures? Our video may help.
Africa is blessed with epic lakes — Tanganyika is the world’s second deepest; all the Rift Lakes are gigantic stunners, and Lake Victoria is a massive and complex inland sea. But many, including Ernest Hemingway, consider the smaller gem of Lake Manyara — with its diamond-white alkali rim, its million or so coral-coloured flamingos, and the deep sapphire waters at its centre — the loveliest of all.
The lake is a birder’s heaven (it’s frequented by 300 migratory avians), and the water from its Crater Highlands-supplied springs makes it a forested redoubt for all the most glamourous large mammals, including the famed Manyara tree-climbing lions (it’s a little irreverent, but tree-lounging might be a better description).
If you’ve seen Out of Africa (if not: you owe it to yourself) you’re familiar with Lake Manyara. It’s the lake that Denys Finch Hatton and Karen Blixen fly over in a biplane, the lake that heart-thumpingly seems to burst into life, when tens — hundreds! — of thousands of flamingos lift from its waters.
A 17 day adventure
A 14 day adventure